We want to be part of the solution

We understand that sustainability is to develop and grow without compromising the future, looking out for others and helping our environment to do so as well.

Every action counts

At SNGULAR we want to be our most sustainable version, help with our projects and services to generate a positive impact on both the environment and society and help spread that culture of "doing things right" among our SNGULAR people and stakeholders. Internally, we have created our Green Book as a source of information on the ESG-verse: what we do and what more we can do.

We are committed

ISO 14001 Environmental Management Certification

The Environmental Management System (EMS) certification is an international standard that validates the systematic management of environmental aspects within an organization.

This certification reflects our commitment to sustainability, viewed as a set of actions that positively impact social, environmental, and governance practices.




"E" / "A" for environmental refers to practices on natural resource management, climate change and relationship with the planet.



"S" for social, referring specifically to human rights, labor standards, diversity, equality, inclusion and relations with society and local communities.



"G" stands for governance, which relates to the company's structure and good governance, business ethics, anti-corruption efforts, collective action, transparency, and decision-making.

ODS Commitments

Following the international guide of the Sustainable Development Goals that are part of the 2030 Agenda, we want to identify those to which SNGULAR has a specific commitment as a company:

  • Goal 04

    Quality education

    We are committed to contribute to professional technological education and training.

  • Goal 05

    Gender equality

    We are committed to ensuring equal opportunities regardless of gender identity.

  • Goal 08

    Decent work and economic growth

    We are committed to caring for the health and working conditions of its employees.

  • Goal 12

    Responsible consumption and production

    We are committed to the responsible use of raw materials in the production of services.

  • Goal 13

    Climate action

    We are committed to strengthening climate change mitigation and resilience actions.

  • Goal 17

    Partnerships for the goals

    We are committed to seek and participate in partnerships focused on achieving a positive environmental and social impact.

SNGULAR’s Environmental commitment

SNGULAR has managed to reduce during 2023:

  • Electricity consumption in its offices in Madrid (15.20% less than in 2022), Seville (6.13% less than in 2022), and A Coruña (30.36% less than in 2022), transitioning to higher-cost suppliers % of renewable energies in the supplied mix, thus minimizing the depletion of limited natural resources and the toxic effects on health and the environment, as well as global warming, a consequence of the release of greenhouse gasses in energy generation.

  • In addition, it has managed to reduce the generation of WEEE type waste in all its offices, thanks to its reuse and recycling policy, thus contributing to avoiding the release of toxic substances (lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic) into the environment, water , soil and atmosphere, and avoiding affecting the health of people and ecosystems.

Articles related to ESG

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Special Requirements for suppliers

SNGULAR uses different criteria to approve its suppliers:

1- Ability to meet requirements, historical results, good references, proximity and exclusivity. Our suppliers are continually evaluated based on their performance, and may lose their approved status if serious or repeated incidents occur in products or service provision.

2- SNGULAR communicates the need for its suppliers to ensure that both the products purchased and the services subcontracted by SNGULAR will not cause a significant environmental impact, ensuring that good environmental practices will be carried out aimed at complying with the Legal Requirements applicable in the development. of the activity, waste minimization, rational use of natural resources, reduction of consumption and protection of the environment in general, including the fight against climate change.

3- SNGULAR requires its suppliers to ensure that all employees are provided with proper working conditions. This includes secure employment, reasonable working hours, fair wages, social dialogue, freedom of association (including the existence of works councils, where applicable), collective bargaining, work-life balance, and health and safety protections. Additionally, suppliers must ensure equal treatment and opportunities for all employees. This includes gender equality, equal pay for work of equal value, access to training and skill development, employment and inclusion of people with disabilities, measures to prevent workplace violence and harassment, and promotion of diversity. Suppliers must also uphold other fundamental labor rights, such as the prohibition of child labor and forced labor, provision of adequate housing, access to water and sanitation, and respect for privacy.

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